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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Center Artists Needed to Display @ the Hayden Burns Libray

Please contact Princess Rashid if you are interested in displaying at the Hayden Burns Library during the theatrical performance of Majigeen. Dates of the show are April 19, 20, 21, 27, 28.

Contact Princess Rashid for more information: 904 535-6949 cell or via email: prashid@theswordandbrush.com

What is Majigeen?

Majigeen is a musical- drama of historical fiction based on the life of Anta Majigeen Njaay, a.k.a. Anna Kingsley. Her story is told through the fictitious character of Mamadou Seck, griot to the Njaay family and narrator of this tale. He recounts for us Anta's fascinating life from her baptism as a young Muslim, to her capture and shackled departure from Senegal through the Doorway of No Return, to her marriage to plantation and slave owner Zephania Kingsley and through her adult years as a mother, plantation owner, slave owner, activist and grandmother.

We meet along the way African kings and warriors, her family members, as well as Zephania himself. We hear through each character's song their own unique perspective on such things as polygamy, motherhood, slavery, marriage, Christianity & Islam, betrayal, love and loss. The music and story combined with African and Modern dance create a timeless and powerful work of art.

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